On June 27, members of the TRIQUERTA consortium from the Uniwersytet Im. Adama Mickiewicza W Poznaniu, led by professor Włodzimierz Rączkowski, visited the coordinating team at the National Technical University of Athens. A welcome meeting was organized by the School of Rural, Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering (SRSE) and the School of Civil Engineering (SCE) and was held in the conference room of the Lampadario building.
The meeting included technical discussions that focused on the cultural heritage site located in Smuszewo in Poland, the progress that has been made to date on the topographic mapping, the availability of past surveys and existing literature and the extraordinary challenges associated with this particular site. The productive technical discussion concluded with the identification of the next steps that are essential towards the modeling and risk assessment of the relics of a fortified settlement from the Late Bronze/Early Iron Age that exist in Smuszewo.
Next, the AMU team visited the Laboratory of Photogrammetry, led by prof. Ioannidis, where Dr. Verykokou and Ms. Soile gave poster presentations of past and ongoing projects related to photogrammetry, computer vision and geoinformatics. After the completion of the visit at SRSE, the AMU delegation was given an overview of the School of Civil Engineering by Dr. Istrati, with particular focus on the Laboratory of Harbour Works – LHW. Colleagues from LHW presented the capabilities for large-scale physical modeling of extreme waves, their impact on coastal structures and the generation of coastal erosion, as well as, the possibility to mitigate the effects of coastal storms via different types of infrastructure, such as, breakwaters.

The NTUA team thanks the colleagues from AMU for their visit and looks forward to a productive collaboration during the TRIQUERTA project.