Τhe TRIQUETRA Project made an impact with a series of presentations and poster sessions at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2024 (EGU2024), held in Vienna from April 14th to 19th. The dissemination activities from the project’s partners, including three poster presentations, two in-situ presentations and one virtual presentation demonstrated innovative solutions in the field of geosciences.

Christos Kontopoulos from Geosystems Hellas (GSH) gave a brief overview of Knowledge base platform with his presentation. Dr. Denis Istrati presented a TRIQUETRA project poster, with other TRIQUETRA team members in attendance, engaging actively with the conference attendees. In parallel, significant contributions came from Eratosthenes with Mr. Kyriakos Themistocleous showcasing a poster, and Federico Feliziani from Sapienza University delivering an insightful presentation, each adding depth to the session’s discussions on heritage preservation. Additional partners like the University of Cyprus and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) with Dr. Aristeidis K. Georgoulias also contributed with their posters and presentations, further enriching the dialogue and collaboration at the conference.

The project’s involvement in the Green Cluster was also featured prominently during EGU2024. A strategic follow-up meeting to the initial Green Cluster meeting in Athens, led by GSH, was held under the session “Heritage exposed to climatic and natural hazards: identification, quantification and mitigation of evolving risks” organized by Thetida. This roundtable included partners from TRIQUETRA, Thetida, and RescueME, focusing on the technical aspects and collaborative strategies for communication and dissemination. The presence of project officer Dr. Athanasios Gerakis highlighted the session’s importance.

Through these multifaceted engagements, the TRIQUETRA project continues to foster collaborative efforts among its partners and contributes significantly to advancements in protecting heritage against climatic and natural hazards.