The NTUA team was given the opportunity to participate at the kick-off meeting of the sister project THETIDA, which took place on June 30th in Athens, Vouliagmeni. Dr. Stela Verykokou gave a presentation regarding the TRIQUETRA project, focusing on the priorities, the main concept, the key research activities, some details on the DSS and knowledge base platforms and the 8 pilot sites that will be used for validation. Moreover, collaboration opportunities with the THETIDA and RescueME projects were identified and proposed, such as, the co-organization of workshops and conference special sessions, the joint participation in ICOMOS and UNESCO events and the development of practical recommendations for policy makers on the strategic planning of remediation strategies for cultural heritage.

The presentation sparked questions and an interactive discussion with the experts of the THETIDA project. Dr. Denis Istrati provided an insight into the multi-scale and multi-disciplinary approach that the TRIQUERTA project will develop in order to advance the fundamental understanding of the effects of extreme coastal hazards (e.g. storms, tsunamis) and climate-change on cultural heritage structures that are underwater or on the coast. Moreover, main challenges and possible approaches towards the multi-hazard vulnerability and risk assessment of different types of CH sites were also discussed together with the plans for the development of the respective digital modules of TRIQUERTA.
By clicking in this link you can find out more regarding the Thetida project: https://thetida.eu/home
Here you can find the press release of the event:
Stay tuned for more news from TRIQUETRA project